Tony Gamble, Jessi Coryell, Tariq Ezaz, Joshua Lynch, Daniel P. Scantlebury, David Zarkower (2015)
Restriction Site-Associated DNA Sequencing (RAD-seq) Reveals an Extraordinary Number of Transitions among Gecko Sex-Determining Systems.
Molecular Biology and Evolution32: 1296.
DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msv023
Michail Rovatsos, Lukáš Kratochvíl, Marie Altmanová, Martina Johnson Pokorná, Roscoe Stanyon (2015)
Interstitial Telomeric Motifs in Squamate Reptiles: When the Exceptions Outnumber the Rule.
PLOS ONE10: e0134985.
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Tony Gamble, Erin McKenna, Wyatt Meyer, Stuart V Nielsen, Brendan J Pinto, Daniel P Scantlebury, Timothy E Higham (2018)
XX/XY Sex Chromosomes in the South American Dwarf Gecko (Gonatodes humeralis).
Journal of Heredity109: 462.
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Michael Schmid, Claus Steinlein, Wolfgang Feichtinger, Thomas Haaf, Abraham Mijares-Urrutia, Walter E. Schargel, S. Blair Hedges (2014)
Cytogenetic Studies on Gonatodes (Reptilia, Squamata, Sphaerodactylidae).
Cytogenetic and Genome Research144: 47.
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Kornsorn Srikulnath, Yoshinobu Uno, Chizuko Nishida, Hidetoshi Ota, Yoichi Matsuda, Roscoe Stanyon (2015)
Karyotype Reorganization in the Hokou Gecko (Gekko hokouensis, Gekkonidae): The Process of Microchromosome Disappearance in Gekkota.
PLOS ONE10: e0134829.
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Michael Schmid, Claus Steinlein (2016)
Chromosome Banding in Amphibia. XXXIV. Intrachromosomal Telomeric DNA Sequences in Anura.
Cytogenetic and Genome Research148: 211.
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Shannon E. Keating, Aaron H. Griffing, Stuart V. Nielsen, Daniel P. Scantlebury, Tony Gamble (2020)
Conserved ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes in Caribbean croaking geckos (Aristelliger: Sphaerodactylidae).
Journal of Evolutionary Biology33: 1316.
DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13682
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