Conventional Giemsa banding on the Eupsophus vertebralis group mitotic plates. The E. emiliopugini, E. vertebralis and E. emiliopugini from Puyehue locality karyotypes are shown (top, middle, and bottom, respectively). Note metacentric (top and bottom) or telocentric (middle) pair 13. Secondary constrictions are indicated with black arrows on pairs 4 or 5 (see text for details).

  Part of: Quercia CA, Suárez-Villota EY, Foresti F, Nuñez JJ (2020) Comparative cytogenetics of the ground frogs Eupsophus emiliopugini Formas, 1989 and E. vertebralis Grandison, 1961 (Alsodidae) with comments on their inter- and intraspecific chromosome differentiation. Comparative Cytogenetics 14(1): 61-74.