Mitotic complements of 10 accessions of V. umbellata. a–j:a BKSB 205 b TRB 160 c RBS 35 d IC 551699 e BKSB 192 f RBS 53 g IC 55440 h IC 176563 i EC 97882 j BKSB 194 k–t:k IC 36157 l VDV 6175 m IC 472147 n RM 040 o IC 39809 p IC 285159 q IC 36592 r IC 472173 s IC 39713 t IC 36562. Bar = 5 μm.

  Part of: Shamurailatpam A, Madhavan L, Yadav SR, Bhat KV, Rao SR (2015) Heterochromatin distribution and comparative karyo-morphological studies in Vigna umbellata Thunberg, 1969 and V. aconitifolia Jacquin, 1969 (Fabaceae) accessions. Comparative Cytogenetics 9(1): 119-132.