FISH with probes 5S (green) and 18S (red). The results are labeled as: A. lacustris (a, d, g), A. schubarti (b), hybrid A. lacustris × A. schubarti (c), A. fasciatus (e), hybrid A. lacustris × A. fasciatus (f), H. anisitsi (h), and hybrid A. lacustris × H. anisitsi (i). The arrows indicate chromosomes inherited from A. lacustris, and the arrowheads indicate chromosomes inherited from the other respective parents. Scale bar: 5µm.

  Part of: Goes CAG, Daniel SN, Piva LH, Yasui GS, Artoni RF, Hashimoto DT, Foresti F, Porto-Foresti F (2020) Corrigenda: Cytogenetic markers as a tool for characterization of hybrids of Astyanax Baird & Girard, 1854 and Hyphessobrycon Eigenmann, 1907. Comparative Cytogenetics 14(2): 231–242. Comparative Cytogenetics 14(4): 639-643.