Liliana M. Mola, Pablo J. Rebagliati, María F. Fourastié, Silvia S. Agopian (2022)
Meiotic Analysis of Gomphidae Species Sheds Light on the Large X Chromosome of the Family (Anisoptera, Odonata).
Diversity14: 874.
DOI: 10.3390/d14100874
Liliana M. Mola, Iva Vrbová, Daniela S. Tosto, Magda Zrzavá, František Marec (2022)
On the Origin of Neo-Sex Chromosomes in the Neotropical Dragonflies Rhionaeschna bonariensis and R. planaltica (Aeshnidae, Odonata).
Insects13: 1159.
DOI: 10.3390/insects13121159
Mateus M. Pires, Eduardo Périco (2024)
Preliminary checklist of dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) of the Santa Catarina State, Brazil.
Biota Neotropica24: .
DOI: 10.1590/1676-0611-bn-2024-1614
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