FISH results of fosmid clones on mitotic metaphase chromosomes of P. yessoensis. a–f: Mapping of clone PF105M7(a), clone PF117C11(b), clone PF9J1(c), clone PF114G13(d), clone PF126O24(e) and clone PF115K10(f) g–i Co-hybridization of clone PF114G13 & PF115K10(g), clone PF114G13 & 126O24(h) and clone PF126O24 & 115K10(i) j–l Result of co-hybridization of 3 clones and 5S rDNA sequence, i.e. PF114G13&5S rDNA (j), PF126O24&5S rDNA (k), PF115K10&5S rDNA (l) m–o Co-hybridization of 3 clones and 18S-28S rDNA, clone PF114G13 & 18S-28S rDNA (m), clone PF126O24 & 18S-28S rDNA(n), clone PF115K10 & 18S-28S rDNA (o). The insert figure at the top right corner for each of the probes correspond to one chromosomal location showing the labeled chromosomes adjacent to the biggest metacentric chromosome. The arrows indicate positive signals of the clones and the open triangles indicate positive signals of 5S rDNA and 18S-28S rDNA. Scale bars: 10 μm