Giemsa stained karyotypes of A Gephyromantis striatus (FN 7645) B Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) alutus (FN 7945) C Spimomantis prope aglavei “North” (FN 7543) D Gephyromantis sp. Ca19 (FN 7630) E Mantidactylus (Chonomantis) sp. Ca11 (FN 7545) F Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) cowanii (FAZC 11370) G Spinomantis sp. Ca3 (FN 7567) and H Spinomantis phantasticus (FG/MV 2002-970). Insets represent NOR-bearing pairs stained with Giemsa (down in the insets) and Ag-NOR method (up in the insets).

  Part of: Mezzasalma M, Andreone F, Odierna G, Guarino FM, Crottini A (2022) Comparative cytogenetics on eight Malagasy Mantellinae (Anura, Mantellidae) and a synthesis of the karyological data on the subfamily. Comparative Cytogenetics 16(1): 1-17.