Ideograms of Chthonius (Chthonius) raridentatus cytotype I from Roče (y axis - % of the chromosome length of the haploid set). Comparison of different meiotic (ppach - postpachytene (white), met I - metaphase I (light grey), met II - metaphase II (dark grey)) and mitotic (mit - mitotic metaphase (black)) stages with examples of chromosomes 2 and X. Ideograms include min. - max. values and the centromeres are indicated only in metacentric chromosomes (all other chromosomes are acrocentrics).

  Part of: Kotrbová J, Opatova V, Gardini G, Šťáhlavský F (2016) Karyotype diversity of pseudoscorpions of the genus Chthonius (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) in the Alps. Comparative Cytogenetics 10(3): 325-345.