Comparative Cytogenetics 4(1): 87-96, doi: 10.3897/compcytogen.v4i1.28
Nomenclature for the chromosomes of the common shrew (Sorex araneus)
J Searle, S Fedyk, K Fredga, J Hausser, V Volobouev
A G-band composite karyotype has been prepared for the common shrew (Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758). This includes multiple cut-outs of each chromosome arm (in different stages of contraction) derived from chromosome spreads prepared by a variety of methods by the different authors. The important features of each chromosome arm are described. The nomenclature for the chromosome arms follows that of Halkka et al. (1974) as clarified by Fredga, Nawrin (1977) and subsequent authors, i.e. italicised letters of the alphabet are used with a as the largest chromosome arm. Different authors have used a variety of methods to describe the karyotype of (a) individuals and (b) the pattern of variation within populations. Also, definitions of chromosomal ‘race’ differ. We suggest a standardised scheme for the description of individuals, populations and chromosomal races