Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sergey Y. Zhirov ( ) Academic editor: Paraskeva Michailova
© 2015 Ninel A. Petrova, Richard Cornette, Sachiko Shimura, Oleg A. Gusev, Dylo Pemba, Takahiro Kikawada, Sergey Y. Zhirov, Takashi Okuda.
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Petrova NA, Cornette R, Shimura S, Gusev OA, Pemba D, Kikawada T, Zhirov SV, Okuda T (2015) Karyotypical characteristics of two allopatric African populations of anhydrobiotic Polypedilum Kieffer, 1912 (Diptera, Chironomidae) originating from Nigeria and Malawi. Comparative Cytogenetics 9(2): 173-188.
The African chironomid Polypedilum vanderplanki Hinton, 1951 is the only chironomid able to withstand almost complete desiccation in an ametabolic state known as anhydrobiosis. The karyotypes of two allopatric populations of this anhydrobiotic chironomid, one from Nigeria and another from Malawi, were described according to the polytene giant chromosomes. The karyotype from the Nigerian population was presented as the reference chromosome map for P. vanderplanki. Both populations, Nigerian and Malawian, showed the same number of chromosomes (2n=8), but important differences were found in the band sequences of polytene chromosomes, and in the number and the arrangement of active regions between the two populations. Such important differences raise the possibility that the Malawian population could constitute a distinct new species of anhydrobiotic chironomid.
Chironomidae , Polypedilum vanderplanki , allopatric populations, Nigeria, Malawi, anhydrobiosis, polytene chromosomes
The African non-biting midge, Polypedilum vanderplanki Hinton, 1951, is the only species among the family Chironomidae and also among all insects showing tolerance to almost complete dehydration, although another Polypedilum species was also suggested to exhibit similar desiccation tolerance (
During the last decade, extensive physiological and molecular studies were performed to understand the mechanisms underlying anhydrobiosis in P. vanderplanki larvae (
Taken together, all these data make P. vanderplanki an important model to study the phenomenon of anhydrobiosis in animals. Furthermore, this chironomid species was subjected to several studies with gamma- and ion beam irradiation, and the high radiotolerance of P. vanderplanki is now well characterized (
Thus, the present study reports a detailed description of polytene chromosomes of P. vanderplanki larvae. The goal of this work was to establish a reference map of the P. vanderplanki karyotype and to estimate the cytological differences between two distant populations.
Anhydrobiotic chironomid larvae from two distant African populations originating from Nigeria and Malawi were investigated. The reference karyotype for P. vanderplanki was obtained from the Nigerian population. Analysis of the polytene chromosomes showed that the diploid number of chromosomes (2n=8) and their ratio were identical in both populations. However, considerable cytogenetic differences were observed between both populations in the band sequences of polytene chromosomes, and in the number and the arrangement of active regions. The results of our research raise the possibility that the Malawian population may constitute a distinct new species of anhydrobiotic chironomids from Africa.
Chironomids were reared in the laboratory at NIAS (Japan) as described in
The Nigerian strain of P. vanderplanki kept in the laboratory was an inbred line originating from different populations collected in small rock pools on granite outcrops around Zaria, close to the original collection points of the P. vanderplanki type specimen as described by
Larvae from both strains were placed in water at room temperature to rehydrate. Within a few hours, larvae were able to move and eat, i.e. came back to usual way of existence. The recovered larvae were maintained for 6–7 days, fed with a hay meal. After maintaining some of the larvae in good condition, they grew up and were ready to be used in the preparation of karyological slides.
Larvae were fixed in Clark’s liquid: 96% of ethyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid (3:1). Fixed material was stored at low temperature (4–6 °C). Twenty six larvae from the Nigerian population and 28 from the Malawian population were suitable for preparations.
For the preparation of the karyological slides of the polytene chromosomes, dissected salivary glands were stained in a 2% solution of acetoorcein. After short maceration into 50% lactic acid, the giant cells were separated from the secretion. Squash preparations were made following the routine method described previously (
The cytophotomaps of the polytene chromosomes from P. vanderplanki are published for the first time. Cytophotomaps were obtained for the representatives of both Nigerian and Malawian populations. Division of the chromosomes into sections was performed arbitrarily. Arms of the chromosomes were designated: I – AB, II – CD, III – EF, IV – G, according to the standard accepted for Polypedilum nubifer by
Salivary glands consisted of 16–20 cells. On the anterior end of the gland, there were 4 especially large cells, which contained the supergiant chromosomes. They were characterized by a high degree of polytenization and with clear morphology of bands. The best sample was selected for mapping. In other salivary gland cells, polytene chromosomes formed meandric breaks and did not show a perfectly clear picture of the bands.
The diploid chromosome number coincided with the modal diploid number of the genus Polypedilum: 2n=8 (Fig.
Representative karyotype of the P. vanderplanki population from Nigeria. Chromosome numbers are indicated as I, II, III and IV. Chromosome arms are labeled A–B, C–D, E–F, and G. The expected locations of the centromeres are indicated by arrows and each section is numbered and delimited by short lines. N1, N2, (N3): nucleoli, BR: Balbiani ring, Inv: inversion.
A simplified reference map of the P. vanderplanki lab strain is presented in Fig.
A simplified reference map for the P. vanderplanki Nigerian population. Chromosomes I, II, III and IV are shown in order from the left to the right. Numbering and abbreviations as described in Figure
Chromosome I was arbitrarily divided into 29 sections. The putative centromere was localized in sec. 16. The puff located in sec. 23 looked like a facultative nucleolus (designated (N3) in Figs
However, in some supergiant cells, this puff was in an active state and looked as a normal large nucleolus (designated (N3) in Fig.
Chromosome I from the Nigerian P. vanderplanki population. Chromosome arms are labeled A and B. Arrow: location of the putative centromere, (N): activated (N3) nucleolus.
The marker for arm A was the dark block consisting of composite bands near the telomere. In addition, the groups of bands in sec. 4–5 and 9 can also serve as markers of this arm. Narrowing of chromosome width was observed in sec. 7 and 9. The arm B may easily be distinguished by a narrowing on the border of sec. 18–19 and by three thick heterochromatic bands almost identical near this narrowing in sec. 19. The next narrowing was conspicuous and observed on the border of sec. 22 and 23, before the facultative nucleolus N3. A wide dark heterochromatic block, consisting of 5 composite bands, was located at the telomere of arm B (Figs
Chromosome II was divided into 27 sections. The putative centromere was apparently localized in sec. 16. Markers for arm C were the wide dark heterochromatic block in sec. 1 near the telomere, and the narrowing in sec. 8, which was bordered with easily recognizable groups of bands in sec. 6–7 and in sec. 9–10. In the arm D, the main nucleolus N2 (sec. 22) was active and constantly present in all cells. The large dark block in sec.24 and groups of conspicuous bands in sec. 18, 20–21 and 26 constituted good markers for this arm (Figs
Chromosome III was divided into 21 sections (Figs
Chromosome IV was divided into 12 sections (Figs
The population was inbred in the laboratory and this explains the low variability observed for chromosomal rearrangements. The only inversion – InvF (10–20) on chromosome III was found with a frequency of 100%.
As a whole, the morphology of the salivary glands was similar to those from the Nigerian population. They also contained 16–20 cells. However, the distinction between populations of cells with different sizes was not so obvious. The diploid chromosome number was also 2n=8 (Fig.
Representative karyotype of the population from Malawi. Chromosome numbers are indicated as I, II, III and IV. Chromosome arms are labeled A–B, C–D, E–F, and G. The expected locations of the centromeres are indicated by arrows and each section is numbered and delimited by short lines. N: nucleolus. BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4: Balbiani rings, P: puff.
Chromosome I was arbitrarily divided into 22 sites. The putative centromere was localized in sec. 12 (Fig.
Chromosome II was divided into 21 sections. The putative centromere was located in sec. 12 (Fig.
Chromosome III was divided into 18 sections (Fig.
Chromosome IV was divided into 10 sections and the putative centromere was located in sec. 1 (Fig.
Sometimes all BR were faintly active (Fig.
Chromosome IV patterns from different larvae of the Malawian population. Active regions show different levels of condensation. a N appears active, BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4 are slightly active b N and BR3 appear active, BR1 and BR2 are slightly active c N, BR1, BR2, BR3 and BR4 are active. N: nucleolus. BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4: Balbiani rings, P: puff.
Chromosomal polymorphism: For the majority of the studied individuals, we observed mispairing of the homologues. Uncoupled chromosome portions, as a result of torsion, were forming various structures. For example in the AB chromosome (Fig.
Different patterns of polymorphism for the chromosomes I and II in the Malawian population. a and b chromosome I. c and d chromosome II. Chromosome arms are labeled A–B and C–D. Arrows: putative centromeres, np: regions of non-pairing, tor: heterochromatic knots due to chromosome torsion.
Sometimes the regions of non-pairing (np) due to heterozygous inversions in the chromosome I (AB) were restricted to some bands only (Fig.
Karyotypical comparison between the two populations of P. vanderplanki showed considerable inter-population differences. The diploid number of chromosomes was identical (2n=8), but the band sequences on the chromosomes and the organization of active regions were substantially different. Whereas there was only one N in the Malawian population, the Nigerian population showed two major N. No similarity in the arrangement of the marker groups of bands was found in the long chromosomes. The differences in the morphology of the chromosomes IV were especially noticeable: in the Nigerian population, this chromosome showed one N1 and one BR, whereas one N and four BR were active in the Malawian population. In both populations, the fact that nucleoli and Balbiani Rings were active or not, should be related to the physiological status of the larva before fixation. Six days after rehydration, the influence of anhydrobiosis was probably negligible, but some larvae may have been engaged in the processes of metamorphosis, which could influence greatly the aspect of chromosomes by activating different transcriptional regions of the genome. However, the relative positions of nucleoli and Balbiani Rings on the chromosomes were completely different between the two populations and this may thus result most probably from populational variation, rather than from differences in the physiological or developmental status.
The major unique feature in the Nigerian P. vanderplanki karyotype was the low degree of polytenization of chromosome IV: it was only half as thick as the other chromosomes of the karyotype. Finally, the large heterozygous inversion present in the arm F of chromosome III was observed with a frequency of 100% in the Nigerian population, whereas the Malawian population did not show this chromosome rearrangement in the arm F.
It should be noted that the Nigerian population of P. vanderplanki is a highly inbred strain and this could explain the stability of its chromosomal rearrangement. In comparison, the Malawian population was a natural one, not inbred in the laboratory. Strong heterozygosity in this population could induce the mispairings, non-pairings and torsions, which were observed, especially on chromosomes I and II. In addition, desiccation-rehydration cycles are known to induce severe lesions to DNA and subsequent repair (
To conclude, the karyotype and precise chromosome map of P. vanderplanki were determined for the first time and these data will be useful for future physical mapping of the genome data on the chromosomes. Besides, analysis of the karyotypes of Nigerian and Malawian samples showed important differences between both populations. Whereas chromosomal numbers were identical (2n=8), the morphology of chromosomes was totally divergent. Such important differences between populations exceed physiological variation and intraspecific polymorphism and to our point of view, these Polypedilum populations from Nigeria and Malawi should be considered as distinct species. The Nigerian population was originally collected in the Northern part of Nigeria, close to the locality where the type specimen used for the description of P. vanderplanki by
We extend our gratitude to the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria for permitting research on P. vanderplanki. We are also grateful to the Malawi Government for the Material Transfer agreement (MTA) that allowed us to perform research on the Malawian population. We are also grateful to the people of Nigeria and Malawi who helped us during field specimen sampling and allowed us to collect samples in their areas. This work was supported by NIAS, grants-in-aid for the scientific research (KAKENHI No 23128512, 24120001 and 23780055) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, by the grant from the Russian Academy of Sciences “Gene Pools and Genetic Diversity” and “Origin of the Biosphere and Evolution of Geo-biological Systems”, by grant N 14-44-00022 from Russian Science Foundation, and by grant N 14-44-00022 from Russian Science Foundation.