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Corresponding author: Brunna Almeida ( ) Academic editor: Nina Bulatova
© 2016 Brunna Almeida, Roberto Leonan Morim Novaes, Marcia Aguieiras, Renan de França Souza, Carlos Eduardo Lustosa Esbérard, Lena Geise.
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Almeida B, Novaes RLM, Aguieiras M, Souza RF, Esbérard CEL, Geise L (2016) Karyotype of three Lonchophylla species (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) from Southeastern Brazil. Comparative Cytogenetics 10(1): 109-115.
Lonchophylla Thomas, 1903 is a Neotropical bat genus that comprises 12 species, with little cytogenetic information available. Here we present the description of the karyotype of three species collected in Southeastern Brazil. Lonchophylla bokermanni Sazima, Vizotto & Taddei, 1978, Lonchophylla dekeyseri Taddei, Vizotto & Sazima, 1983, and Lonchophylla peracchii Dias, Moratelli & Esberard, 2013 showed the same diploid number 2n = 28 and the same autosomal fundamental number FNa = 50, in both L. bokermanni and L. peracchii. We observed that the karyotypes were also cytogenetically similar when we compared the studied species with other species within the same genus. It is therefore not possible to differentiate the species using only karyotypes with conventional staining. However, this information increases the knowledge of the genus and can be one more important character for a better phylogenetic comprehension of this taxon.
Karyology, chromosomes, Bokermann’s Nectar Bat, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Endangered species, Lonchophyllinae , range extension
In recent years, new species and a genus of the subfamily Lonchophyllinae were described: Lonchophylla peracchii Dias, Moratelli & Esberard, 2013, L. inexpectata Moratelli & Dias, 2015, and Hsunycteris Parlos, Timm, Swier, Zeballos & Baker, 2014 (
In Brazil, there are records for five species of this genus: Lonchophylla bokermanni Sazima, Vizotto & Taddei, 1978, Lonchophylla dekeyseri Taddei, Vizotto & Sazima, 1983, Lonchophylla inexpectata, Lonchophylla mordax Thomas, 1903 and the new species, Lonchophylla peracchii mentioned above. There are karyotype data available until now for the two congeneric taxa from outside the country, Lonchophylla robusta Miller, 1912 and Lonchophylla concava Goldman, 1914 (
Five individuals of Lonchophylla were collected and four were karyotyped: one adult female (MN79997) and one adult male of L. bokermanni (MN81467), one adult female of L. dekeyseri (MN80002) and one adult male of L. peracchii (MN81468).
L. bokermanni was captured in Fazenda Santa Cruz, Diamantina municipality (18°16'11"S; 43°23'04"W, 1.129 m a.s.l), in the Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais State (Figure
Localities of Lonchophylla species records: 1 Itinga, Minas Gerais 2 Dimantina, Minas Gerais 3 Magé, Rio de Janeiro.
L. dekeyseri was captured in Fazenda Ilha, Itinga municipality (16°38'05"S; 41°50'54"W, 240 m a.s.l), Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais State (Figure
L. peracchii was captured in Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural El Nagual, Magé municipality (22°32'55"S; 43°03'20"W, 197 m a.s.l), Rio de Janeiro State (Figure
Chromosomes in metaphases were obtained through in vitro bone marrow culture grown in Dulbecco´s MEM with 10% fetal bovine serum and colchicine for 2 hours, following by an incubation in KCl 0.075M solution at 37 °C by 30 minutes, centrifuged, fixed in Carnoy solution (methanol: acetic acid, 3:1). The fixation step was repeated three times. Preparation was done by dropping one drop by distance onto clean microscope slides and air-dried. Conventional staining with Giemsa 5% was used to observe diploid number (2n) and Fundamental Number of autosomal arms (FNa) and chromosome morphology variation. This analysis was carried out using an optic photomicroscope (Nikon Eclipse 50i), in a 1,000 increase – lenses of 100 plus 10 ocular lenses.
Captures were authorized by IBAMA (1785/89-IBAMA) and SISBIO (4156/95-46 in the Vale of Jequitinhonha and 3893-1/28717 in Magé).
All three species showed the same diploid number 2n = 28 and an autosomal fundamental number FNa = 50 was observed (Figure
Giemsa-stained karyotypes of A Lonchophylla bokermanni2n = 28, FNa = 50 (male, MN81467) B Lonchophylla peracchii2n = 28, FNa = 50 (male, MN81468) and C Lonchophylla dekeyseri2n = 28 (female, MN80002).
Karyotype comparison is considered as an important tool to establish phylogenetic relationships and as a taxonomic tool to confirm some species identities (
Three new karyotypes here described for L. bokermanni, L. dekeyseri and L. peracchii are similar to those known for L. robusta (
The karyotype conservatism in Microchiroptera has been observed in other studies (
Julia L Luz, Maíra SM Godoy, Luciana M Costa, Luciana G Pereira, Edvandro A Ribeiro and André C Siqueira helped in the fieldwork; Luana Azamor helped in laboratory work; to FAPERJ for IC Grant toBrunna Almeida and for scholarship for Renan F. Souza; and CNPq for financial support. Lena Geise has CNPq and Uerj/Prociencia fellowship.