Review Article |
Corresponding author: Valentina G. Kuznetsova ( ) Academic editor: Desislava Stoianova
© 2021 Valentina G. Kuznetsova, Ilya A. Gavrilov-Zimin, Snejana M. Grozeva, Natalia V. Golub.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Kuznetsova VG, Gavrilov-Zimin IA, Grozeva SM, Golub NV (2021) Comparative analysis of chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems in Paraneoptera (Insecta). Comparative Cytogenetics 15(3): 279-327.
This article is part (the 4th article) of the themed issue (a monograph) “Aberrant cytogenetic and reproductive patterns in the evolution of Paraneoptera”. The purpose of this article is to consider chromosome structure and evolution, chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems, which all together constitute the chromosomal basis of reproduction and are essential for reproductive success. We are based on our own observations and literature data available for all major lineages of Paraneoptera including Zoraptera (angel insects), Copeognatha (=Psocoptera; bark lice), Parasita (=Phthiraptera s. str; true lice), Thysanoptera (thrips), Homoptera (scale insects, aphids, jumping plant-lice, whiteflies, and true hoppers), Heteroptera (true bugs), and Coleorrhyncha (moss bugs). Terminology, nomenclature, classification, and the study methods are given in the first paper of the issue (
Chromosome number variability, holokinetic chromosomes, monocentric chromosomes, rates of chromosome number evolution, sex chromosomes
The structure of chromosomes and mechanisms of their evolution, the number of chromosomes and the chromosomal sex determination constitute the foundation of reproduction and are crucially important for reproductive success.
Nearly all Paraneoptera insects are characterized by holokinetic chromosomes. The only intriguing exception to this rule is the order Thysanoptera (thrips) in which all so far studied representatives of both suborders, Terebrantia and Tubulifera, were shown to have monocentric chromosomes (
Most animal and plant species have monocentric chromosomes with centromeres restricted to a defined chromosomal region, the so-called primary constriction, first described by a German biologist and a founder of cytogenetics, Walther Flemming (
Holokinetic chromosomes, as distinct from monocentric chromosomes, were recognized as late as the mid-1930s (
The transition from monocentric to holokinetic state occurred, apparently, by accident; however, holokinetic state itself is speculated (
One of the most significant advances is the recent discovery that independent transitions to a holokinetic state in insects were associated with the recurrent loss of a centromeric histone H3 variant (CenH3), which is an essential chromatin component of centromeres in most eukaryotes (
The vast majority of paraneopteran insects have male heterogametic sex determination system. These insects carry either an XX/XY or an XX/X(0) system. Some species have complex systems with multiple X or (much rarer) multiple Y-chromosomes, which evolve mainly by fissions of the ancestral sex chromosomes. Others possess so-called neo-XY systems that have derived from the X(0) system by the fusion of the X chromosome with an autosome, resulting in a neo-X chromosome, and the homologue is transformed into a neo-Y chromosome (
One of the basic features of holokinetic chromosomes is that their fragments retain centromere activity and the ability to segregate to the poles, which has been demonstrated in experiments with X-ray irradiation (
Moreover, it has been shown in experiments on the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, 1879 (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) that radiation-induced chromosome fragments are regularly inherited by both somatic and germ cells and can be transmitted through more than 50 generations suggesting that they persist as long as their active kinetochore elements are preserved (
Chromosome number is highly variable across insects as a whole (
Although variations in chromosome number of related species are probably due to both fissions and fusions of holokinetic chromosomes, fusions are suggested to be more common. The point is that a chromosome, be it holokinetic or monocentric, has to display two functional telomeres in order to survive a mitotic cycle. A fusion chromosome always displays functional telomeres originated from the ancestral chromosomes, whereas a fission chromosome has to be able to develop a functional telomere de novo (
To test whether insects with monocentric and holokinetic chromosomes differ in the amount and rate of chromosomal rearrangements,
The material for this review study was the representatives of all major phylogenetic lineages of Paraneoptera, including Zoraptera (angel insects), Copeognatha (=Psocoptera; bark lice), Parazita (=Phthiraptera; true lice), Thysanoptera (thrips), Homoptera (scale insects, aphids, jumping plant-lice, whiteflies, and true hoppers), Heteroptera (true bugs), and Coleorrhyncha (moss bugs). In most cases, chromosome analysis was performed using both conventional cytogenetic techniques (Giemsa, C-banding, AgNOR-staining, base-specific fluorochrome banding) and FISH mainly with rDNA and telomeric (TTAGG)n probes. Methods, terminology, nomenclature, and classification are given in the first paper of this issue (
Here, we review and discuss basic data on chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems separately for each Paraneoptera order or, in some cases (e.g. Homoptera), for suborders within the order.
Zoraptera (known as angel insects) are minute, less than 3 mm long, insects of cryptic habits living under bark, in humus, termite nests, etc. This is one of the lesser-known insect lineages in the world in terms of distribution, diversity, mode of life, reproductive biology, genetics, etc. The order currently contains a single genus Zorotypus Silvestri, 1913 constituting the family Zorotypidae, with 44 extant and 13 fossil species (
Copeognatha (=Psocoptera; bark lice) are mostly small insects inhabiting terrestrial ecosystems; representatives of certain families are closely related to human dwellings and even considered as pests in storage facilities. Psocoptera are a basal taxon of Paraneoptera (
To date, 90 bark lice species (about 1.5% of the described ones) from 51 genera and 21 families have been studied cytogenetically. Of these, 80 species (43 genera, 16 families) belong to Psocomorpha (reviewed in
Chromosomes of Copeognatha are comparatively small and of similar size being, therefore, hard to distinguish from each other in the karyotype when the standard techniques of chromosome staining are used. The applying of banding techniques is scarce in this group. Only three species, all from the suborder Psocomorpha, Psococerastis gibbosa (Sulzer, 1766), Blaste conspurcata (Rambur, 1842), and Amphipsocus japonicus, were studied using C-banding, silver impregnation and sequence-specific fluorochromes CMA3 and DAPI (
Parasita (=Phthiraptera; true lice), the closest relatives of Copeognatha, include obligate ectoparasites of birds and mammals. The order is divided into Mallophaga (Amblycera + Ischnocera) and Rhynchophthirina known as chewing or biting lice, respectively, and Siphunculata (=Anoplura) known as sucking lice (
C-banding experiments failed to reveal constitutive heterochromatin in karyotypes of human head- and-body lice, Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer, 1778 and Pediculus humanus humanus Linnaeus, 1758 (Pediculidae, Siphunculata) (
Thysanoptera (thrips, also known as thunder flies) encompass minute insects, which are usually only a few mm in length. Most thrips feed on fungi, flowers and leaves of green plants, less often on mosses and detritus. Thrips are distributed worldwide being more abundant in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions. Thysanoptera are a monophyletic group subdividing into the two suborders, Terebrantia with about 2,400 described species in 8 families, and Tubulifera with about 3,500 species in a single family, the Phlaeothripidae. The majority of known thrips species are placed in the two largest families, the Phlaeothripidae (Tubulifera) and Thripidae (Terebrantia) (
The degree of cytogenetic knowledge of thrips is negligible.
Unfortunately, based on the available data, it is currently impossible to speculate on mechanisms underlying chromosome number diversity in Thysanoptera. It can be assumed that some species of thrips are polyploids. As mentioned above, thelytokous reproduction occurs in some species, including the greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalisis. This species was suggested to reproduce by automixis through fusion between the second polar body nucleus and the egg nucleus, so called terminal fusion (
Sex chromosomes were not detected in any species of thrips (
Coccinea (scale insects) are sap-sucking phytophagous insects, among which there are many pests of agricultural and ornamental plants, as well as producers of natural dyes, lacquers and waxes. Scale insects represent a moderate-sized group of sternorrhynchous Homoptera comprising more than 8,000 species in the world fauna; they are subdivided into 19–36 recent families, depending on the taxonomic and phylogenetic views of different authors. Here, we follow the traditional system of 19 “large” families, without dividing Margarodidae, Pseudococcidae, Eriococcidae, and Asterolecaniidae into minute “families” with overlapping characters (see for details
Chromosome numbers have been reported for 506 species of scale insects belonging to 15 families (reviewed by
In some cases, an increase in the number of chromosomes is a result of polyploidy or the presence of B-chromosomes. Both triploid and tetraploid forms were described by
The number of chromosomes is quite often stable or slightly variable within genera and within many higher rank taxa of scale insects (see
Scale insects are characterized by a huge variety of mechanisms of sex determination (see for references
Currently, there are no confirmed cases of the XY system in Coccinea. Two species, Praelongorthezia praelonga (Douglas, 1891) with 2n=16 (Ortheziidae) and the Australian felt scale Lachnodius eucalypti (Maskell, 1892) with 2n=18 (Eriococcidae), were shown to have the same number of chromosomes in both males and females. It has been reported (see for references
Aphidinea (aphids) are a moderate-sized group of sternorrhynchous Homoptera, with approximately 5,000 described species distributed mainly throughout the temperate regions of the globe (
Opinions differ as to the higher classification within Aphidinea, in particular regarding the number of accepted families and their relationships. In the well-known taxonomic catalogue of aphids (
Like the aforementioned scale insect genus Apiomorpha showing the entire chromosome number range known in Coccinea, the aphid genus Amphorophora Buckton, 1876 is unique among Aphidinea demonstrating the entire range of chromosome numbers, from 4 to 72, known in aphids (
The karyotypes of some Trama species were found to include a variable number of small mainly heterochromatic chromosomal elements. It is of interest that intraspecific changes in 2n mostly involved these heterochromatic elements but not the euchromatic chromosomes, which remain relatively stable in both number and size (
Karyotypes including 2n=8, 10 and 12 can be considered today as modal karyotypes for Aphidinea as a whole. These numbers clearly prevail in the largest (3,035 species in 273 genera) and the best cytogenetically studied (601 species in 119 genera) family Aphididae. These numbers or, at least, some of them are found and prevail in other relatively better studied families, including Drepanosiphidae (141 studied species in 48 genera; 2n=6–48 with the numbers 8, 4, and 18 being, accordingly, most common), Eriosomatidae (86 species in 28 genera; 2n=6–38 with 10, 12, 20 being most common), and Lachnidae (72 species in 11 genera; 2n=6–60 with 10, 12, 14 being most common). Finally, in the family Hormaphididae (with 25 studied species in 9 genera; 2n=8–50), 2n=12 was more common than others. All other families are poorly studied without giving the opportunity to identify modal values.
Like some primitive scale insects, aphids have an XX/X(0) sex determination. The transition between parthenogenetic and bisexual reproduction in the complicated aphid life cycle involves a number of peculiar cytogenetic processes still not studied and understood in necessary details. For example, in order for cyclical parthenogenesis to occur, all the progeny developing from fertilized eggs has to be XX female, whereas all sperm must have only one X-chromosome. This is brought about by the elimination of one of the two X-chromosomes during the single maturation division of the parthenogenetic egg what happens once a year (
The mapping of diploid autosome numbers, male sex chromosome systems, and both modal and putative ancestral states of these characters onto phylogenetic tree of Paraneoptera. The phylogenetic tree is based on
In addition to the aforementioned Trama spp, a number of other aphid species have multiple sex chromosomes originated most likely via X-chromosome fissions, although other mechanisms can also be suggested. Some species of the families Adelgidae and Greenideidae have up to four pairs of X-chromosomes, and some species of the families Phylloxeridae, Eriosomatidae, Lachnidae, and Drepanosiphidae have two pairs of sex chromosomes (see
Despite the large number of karyotyped species, there is not much information yet about the chromatin structure and organization of aphid chromosomes. However, the information that is available is very interesting (e.g.
Aleyrodinea (whiteflies) represent a small suborder of sternorrhynchous Homoptera with a single family Aleyrodidae that includes about 1,600 described species in the world fauna (
To date, only four whitefly species have been studied cytologically. Male haploid chromosome numbers are known for Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood, 1856), n=11, Aleurotulus nephrolepidis (Quaintance, 1900), n=13, and for Aleyrodes proletella (Linnaeus, 1758), n=13 and/or 14 (
Psyllinea (jumping plant-lice) form a moderate-sized group of sternorrhynchous Homoptera comprising nearly 4,000 species (in more than 200 genera) described from across every biogeographic region of the world, most of which from tropical and subtropical regions (
With rare exceptions (
Based on available data, it can be suggested that the ancestral Psyllinea lineage experienced a series of chromosomal rearrangements, among which chromosome fusions most likely dominated. Rearrangements, other than fusions/fissions, do not alter chromosome number and size and remain unfortunately undistinguishable in chromosome preparations because of the absence of reliable chromosomal markers. In the majority of known cases only a few chromosome fusions have occurred, resulting in insignificant differences in chromosome numbers between related species. There are two impressive exceptions. Within the family Psyllidae, which displays predominantly 2n=25, the Australian subfamily Spondiliaspidinae is characterized by very low chromosome numbers, 2n=7, 9 or 11, found in males of all so far studied species (16 species, 10 genera, tribes Ctenarytainini and Spondyliaspidini) (
Undoubtedly, the X(0) sex chromosome system is the ancestral one in Psyllinea. Several species have a neo-XY system or a neo-X1X2Y system. Two species, Cacopsylla sorbi (Linnaeus, 1767) and C. mali (Schmidberger, 1836), were reported to have derived sex chromosome systems originating from one or several autosome-autosome and X-autosome fusions (
The intraspecific variation in the chromosome number of Psyllinea is sometimes related to the occurrence of B-chromosome (
In psyllids, all three known cases of polyploidy (three species) have been detected in the same genus Cacopsylla Ossiannilsson, 1970 (family Psyllidae), which is the most diverse genus of Psyllinea, with over 500 known species distributed throughout the Holarctic Region, and spreading into the Oriental Region (
Cicadinea (sometimes referred to as “true hoppers”) are a large group of auchenorrhynchous Homoptera comprising more than 47,000 species distributed worldwide. The true hoppers are generally monophagous or narrowly oligophagous; many species are of economic significance acting as pests of agricultural crops and vectors of plant pathogens, including phytoplasmas, viruses, spiroplasmas, and bacteria. The two major lineages are recognized within the suborder: the infraorder Cicadomorpha comprising four superfamilies, Cicadoidea (cicadas), Cercopoidea (froghoppers and spittlebugs), Membracoidea (leafhoppers and treehoppers), and Myerslopoidea (ground-dwelling leafhoppers), and the infraorder Fulgoromorpha comprising the only superfamily Fulgoroidea (planthoppers) (
Karyotypes of approximately 850 species (nearly 2% of the total number of species described) belonging to 500 genera of 31 families representing all currently recognized superfamilies of the suborder Cicadinea were studied up to now (reviewed in
According to
Some higher taxa of Cicadinea show stable or only slightly variable karyotypes. Quite often, the chromosome number is constant within the genus and even within the family suggesting that fusion/fission events were rare in their evolution. Supporting examples can be found in the review of
The XX/X(0) sex determination is of common occurrence and seems to be an ancestral trait in both Cicadinea (
Theoretically, as mentioned above, fission and fusion of holokinetic chromosomes do not result in unbalanced meiotic products, and so these rearrangements may be preserved through generations and establish variations in chromosome number within populations. Yet, descriptions of chromosomal polymorphisms are quite rare in Cicadinea. We can anticipate that it is due to very few studies at the population level in this group (like in other Paraneoptera). However, some examples of polymorphism for B-chromosomes and for fission/fusion events have been described in natural populations of both leafhoppers and planthoppers (
Heteroptera (true bugs) are a very diverse group in terms of habitats (aquatic, terrestrial and parasitic on vertebrates, including human and birds) and feeding habits (phytophagous, predators, and hematophagous) (
The very beginning of cytogenetic studies in Heteroptera dates back to the end of the 19th century when German biologist Hermann
For a long time, the question of what mechanism, XY or X(0), was the evolutionarily initial in the Heteroptera has been actively debated. Two alternative hypotheses supported by different sources of evidence have been proposed. One of these holds that the XY system has evolved from an X(0) system (
In karyotypes of many true bug species (within the infraorders Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Leptopodomorpha, and Pentatomomorpha), a pair of so-called “m-chromosomes”, has been described (
In a fair number of true bug species, the presence of some extra chromosomes in addition to the standard chromosome number has been confirmed (see for references
Over the past 15 years, several review papers devoted to individual higher taxa of true bugs have been published, namely, Cimicomorpha (
According to our rough estimates, since the last review (
In recent years, knowledge of true bug cytogenetics has advanced significantly due to the use of modern techniques and approaches (chromosomal bandings, FISH, DNA content, etc.). For example, within the largest evolutionarily advanced and highly diversified infraorder Cimicomorpha, this applies to the families Cimicidae (e.g.
Coleorrhyncha (moss bugs or peloridiids) are little-known insects believed to be relict members of an ancient lineage of Hemiptera (
The overview presented here, shows that the supercohort Paraneoptera is a very diverse group, interesting for comparative cytogenetic studies, with different evolutionary scenarios from the maintenance of a preserved karyotype condition to greatly derived karyotype characteristics that can be traced within each of the higher-level taxa.
With only the intriguing exception of Thysanoptera, all Paraenoptera insects have holokinetic chromosomes. Paraneoptera have a great variety of sex chromosome systems, among which simple systems XX/XY and XX/X(0) clearly prevail. One or both systems are present in every major lineage, with rare exceptions where sex chromosomes either not identified or really absent (Thysanoptera, Parasita, and Aleyrodinea). The X(0) system has been recognized by different authors as the ancestral one for a number of groups including the most basal Copeognatha, and it appears to be an attractive candidate for the ancestral sex chromosome system for Paraneoptera clade in general (Fig.
The currently available data suggest that the chromosome number variability in holokinetic groups of Paraneoptera is not very pronounced; it does not differ significantly from the variability observed in monocentric insects, including monocentric Thysanoptera (also classified within Paraneoptera) where 2n ranges from 20 to 100–106 (5-fold variation) in the only 17 studied species. It is worth mentioning in this regard that some other non-polyploid monocentric animals can also have high chromosome numbers as well as between-and within-species chromosome number variation (e.g.
The significance of chromosomal rearrangements and mechanisms underlying differences in chromosome number have been debated for many years (e.g.
As noted in the Introduction,
We thank two reviewers, Dr. David Sadílek and Dr. Gian Carlo Manicardi, for their helpful comments. We are also grateful to Ms Natalia S. Khabazova for her careful technical assistance. Financial support was provided by the bilateral Russian-Bulgarian research grant no. 19-54-18002 from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (Ministry of Education and Science). The present study (use of collections of chromosomal preparations of the Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg) was also supported by the state research projects nos. AAAA-A19-119020790106-0 and AAAA-A19-119020690101-6.
Valentina G. Kuznetsova
Ilya A. Gavrilov-Zimin
Snejana Grozeva
Natalia V. Golub